Monday 11 February 2019

Writing Book Ten: Part Eight - Reaching a Major Milestone

I'm keeping a diary of the writing process of Book 10, from the first words to publication.

There are a few milestones I like to take note of while writing a book so I can have a mini (internal) celebration - for example the first 10k, 20k, the halfway point - and there are Major Milestones, like The End (which requires an actual celebration. Usually something edible and a big rest). And today I reached what I consider to be another Major Milestone: 50k!

50,000 words is A LOT of words. It represents hours and hours of work (both writing them down and imagining them while you're washing up or wandering around Asda). It seems like an impossible goal when you're at the very beginning or you've been hit with The Slump, when writing a handful of words is an unreachable task. So reaching this point is well worth giving yourself a pat on the back for. I've written a MASSIVE chunk of the book and I'm definitely past the halfway point. Reaching the 50k point comes with a huge sense of relief. I'm getting there. Every day I've sat with my laptop, I've been inching closer and closer to The End and having 50,000 words chalked up is evidence of that.

So, I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself right now, especially as I haven't been hit with The Slump yet, which I usually have by now and it makes getting the words down extremely difficult and sucks all the joy from writing. I really do think that having a solid plan in place and a lower weekly word goal has helped to take the pressure off, so I'm enjoying seeing where Rebecca's story is going each day.

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