Tuesday 7 May 2013

Cover Stars: Happy Families by Janey Fraser

This year I decided to start a Book Of The Month feature to give a special mention to the wonderful books I have read. So I thought why not celebrate wonderful book covers too?

They say don't judge a book by its cover but we all do, right?

Feel free to add your thoughts on the covers or even suggest your own 'cover stars'.
Happy Families by Janey Fraser
I read Janey Fraser's The Au Pair last year and loved the cover because of the little details giving the cartoon people character and I love the cover for Happy Families for the same reason. The teenager has his skateboard at his feet and is busy on his phone while there is havoc within the house. The two younger children are scrapping downstairs, knocking ietms over while the mother is telling off another child upstairs. While all of this is happening, the cat is cleaning itself in the window, being truly cat-like and not giving a shit.
I love all these little details and, in a way, it's telling a story itself. The title may say Happy Families but you already know that isn't going to be the case.

Click here to see all Cover Stars


  1. It's a great cover. Like you I think the little characters work well and you get a feel for what the book will be like. I read the Au Pair too.

    1. It makes me have a much closer look than I normally would. I think they're fab covers.

  2. These are great covers and I have found that sometimes a cover does influence me on whether I want to take a chance on reading an unknown author or not.

    1. Covers are very important to me. There are so many books, something has to make me pick it up for a closer look.

  3. I do love a great cover and I shouldnt but i often succomb to the old adage about judging the book.

    1. *whispers* I judge books by their covers all the time.

  4. Covers make a bit difference when it comes to picking up a book or not. This is a cute one. Lots of little points of interest as well as an overall pleasing look.

    1. Im a fan of cartoon covers anyway but I love the little details in this one.


Please feel free to leave a comment. I appreciate them all. Apart from spam, obviously.