Wednesday 6 September 2017

Back To School

We've had a fun summer, but today is officially Back To School Day (one of my daughters went back yesterday, the other today. This did not go down too well with the former).

Back To School Day is also Back To Writing Day for me - I have been squeezing in writing time during the school summer holidays, but now it's time to go back to working all day, which is a bit of a relief, to be honest. It's quite hard cramming everything into a short space of time each day, and it means dragging my weary body to my desk in the evenings when all I want to do is slump on the sofa and relax. I also find it difficult to switch off after writing at night, which means I'm awake longer than I want to be!

Lots of exciting bookish things have happened over the past few weeks of the summer holidays; my seventh book, A Beginner's Guide To Saying I Do was published, and the paperback of The Little Bed & Breakfast by the Sea was released. I've also been featured on The Write Stuff With... over on Shaz's Book Blog and shared 10 Things I'd Like My Readers To Know About Me on Female First. I've also started to post the 'Book Extras' for A Beginner's Guide To Saying I do here on the blog - and there will be more over the next few weeks.

But now it's time to knuckle down and get the first draft of Book 8 finished. My deadline is looming and it needs a good tidy up before it goes off to my editor! I'm so close to The End now - just two more chapters to go!

1 comment:

  1. Back to school means back to writing for me too. Congrats on your new books and all you've managed to accomplish over the busy summer!


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