Wednesday 4 March 2020

Let's Catch Up

I've neglected the blog lately but, in my defense, I have been very busy. Not only have I been writing and editing Book 11, I've been working to revamp Everything Changes But You, and it now has a much-needed makeover. I absolutely love the new cover and I hope you do too!

Book 11 is coming along nicely and it'll be published later in the year. I've loved writing this book and I can't wait to share Maisie's story with everyone. If you're a newsletter subscriber, you will have had a sneak-peek at the blurb, but I'll be posting it here on the blog soon if you missed it. 

As well as working on Book 11 and Everything Changes But You, I also squeezed in a short story, which went out with my last newsletter, and I'm now starting to plot Book 12. As with The Accidental Life Swap and Book 11, I'll be giving one of my newsletter subscribers the chance to have a character named after them, so make sure you've signed up if you'd like to take part!

As well as writing, I've also been working on my TBR pile, though I did start the year off by re-reading a book that I'd previously loved. It was a great way to start the bookish year, and my TBR pile was still waiting for me once I'd finished it, as patiently as ever.

I've challenged myself to read at least one book on my Kindle per month, because I have loads of books that I've one-clicked on Amazon and neglected. I've managed it so far (though we are only at the beginning of March, so I will have to keep giving myself a prod so I don't abandon my poor Kindle again!)

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