Wednesday 2 May 2012

Insecure Writer's Support Group

The idea of the Insecure Writers Support Group is for writers to blog on the first Wednesday of the month about their fears, struggles and triumphs they have experienced with their writing.

Last week I received my first 'ever so slightly positive' rejection for Book 1. I've only ever received the standard 'thanks but no thanks' type and thought this was no different.

I won't lie. I was gutted. I really REALLY wanted to be taken on by this agent. I read the email quickly, getting the jist. Another big fat no.

But I read it again and that's when I saw the teeniest glimmer of hope. The book wasn't right for them. However, they would be interested in seeing any other submissions I wished to send to them.

Now, this could be standard for this agency. They might just be super duper nice in their rejections but I have decided to take this as a positive (cling to it, actually). Maybe, just maybe, my writing isn't such tripe that they never want me to darken their inbox with it again.

Hey, there's a chance. I hope.


  1. *hugs* Those are the positive you NEED to cling to, and I'm sure they wouldn't have said they would like to see more of your work if they didn't mean it. Surely that would just be a waste of their time?

    Chin up, it's a hard battle, but you will make it!

    1. As rejections go, it was he nicest I've had. It gave me a tiny boost, whether they intended it or not!

  2. There is always a chance if you keep trying! Honestly, persistence is everything in this industry. Keep going and take the positive when it comes!

    1. Thanks, Talli. I'll have to work on my stubbornness, persistence and thick skin.

  3. It will come. I know the standard no's are no fun. It is a positive, so use that to push forward and never stop. You will get there.

    1. Hi Christine. Thank you. I will keep going. I don't think I have a choice -the stories in my head aren't going anywhere!

  4. yay for hope!

    i have only received forms, if anything from queries.
    my hope comes from making it past cuts in contests and positive feedback from betas & cps =)

    1. Hi Tara. I'd only ever received standard rejections, which was why I grasped onto the one, determined to see the positive.

  5. If you're writing sucked, you wouldn't have received the comment. Which means you still have lots of hope let. :)

    The worst form rejection I got was so insulting, I swore I'd never buy books from the agent's clients. And I haven't.

    1. Hi Stina. I'm lucky to have never had any insulting rejections (but there's still time). I hope you were able to put it behind you and carry on :-)

  6. You have to keep going. You'll never get there if you don't. I'd take it as a positive too!

  7. Thanks, Liza. You're right - I might never get further than rejections (even nice ones) but at least I'm trying and you never know, I might just get lucky one day.

  8. And that's the right attitude to take. There's always hope. Keep at it. =)

    1. It makes a change actually thinking positive about my writing for once!

  9. I don't think they say anything they don't mean. I would take that as a very positive rejection. Woot.


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