Wednesday 10 October 2012

Where Do You Write?

I finally finished all the planning I needed and started writing Book 3 on Monday morning. I'm only a few thousand words in but I'm enjoying writing about new people and actually like what I've written. I know, odd, isn't it?

I used to write in the evenings, after the kids were in bed but my youngest has started nursery now so I have my mornings free so that's when I write. It's strange having my evenings to myself, being able to sit down and watch programs when they air instead of catching up days (and sometimes weeks) later. I do have to sit through the adverts now though...

Where and when do you write? And what are you working on at the moment?


  1. I wish I had somewhere truly peaceful to write - I keep on at my husband to get me a shed with a heater at the bottom of the garden! As it is, I write at the dining room table and am interrupted as and when he and my daughter feel like it! When I'm the only one home, it's bliss! I'm getting quite good at writing around the interruptions but have decided that at the moment I'm better off sticking to short bursts! Best of luck with your writing!

    1. Hi Linda. I wish I had somewhere dedicated to writing too but I have a laptop and a sofa. At least it's peaceful though as I have the house to myself in the mornings.

  2. I'm working on a secret WIP, plus editing a couple of manuscripts so I can say "Woo-hoo I;m completely finished with them. I have 2 wip's I am putting on hold while the edits occur.

    Oh, and I'm writing a synopsis, but have never done this before. Yikes!

    And I like to write at night, but today, I got the blessing of going to the library for total quiet and free time for research. YAY!

    Yeah, I'm checking out blogs I follow when I should be writing, but I needed a little break...
    Have a great week!

    1. Ooh, secret WIP sounds intriguing!

      And everyone needs a break now and then!

  3. I'm working on a book 2-- about 2/3 finished, and I definitely do best during the day! Usually at my desk or at the kitchen table.

    Congrats on getting to book 3!

    1. Thanks Peggy. Just need to get them published now...


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