Thursday 2 February 2012

Insecure Writer's Support Group

I had no idea about the Insecure Writer's Support Group until I read Poppy Taylor's blog a few minutes ago. It sounds like a great idea and so I have signed up.

The idea is writers blog on the first Wednesday of the month about their fears, struggles and triumphs they have experienced with their writing.

It's now Thursday so I'm a day late but I promise to take part in March's Insecure Writer's Support Group.


  1. What a brilliant idea. I've signed up too. Thanks for posting about it.

  2. Hi Rebecca,

    I think it's a great idea too. It's good to know there are people out there going through the same things I am.

  3. I've known about the group for a while now, so it's about time I signed up. Posted my first entry today, a day late. Poo on me. lol

    Tis a good idea though, this support group. I'm here for ya ;)

  4. Hi Suz,

    I'm liking all this writer support malarky :-D

  5. I signed up a day late, too - posted anyway! I look forward to your IWSG post next month:)

  6. Hi Lady Gwen,

    I should have posted a day late too, shouldn't I? Oh well, I'll just have to wait a few weeks now.


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