Friday 1 June 2012

Sunshine Award

I've been spoiled with awards this week - first the Versatile Blog Award and now a Sunshine Award!

Huge, sunny thanks to Kate from Me, My Books and I for giving me the award. Me, My Books and I is a lovely blog full of wonderful reviews and Kate genrously shares posts from fellow bloggers via twitter.

The rules of the award are:

Write five things about yourself

Include the award’s logo in a post

Nominate five other bloggers

Link to your nominees

Link the person who nominated you

Now for my five facts:

  1. I once touched Simon Cowell's car. A group of us had tickets to watch the auditions for Britain's Got Talent in Manchester but we didn't get in (they give out far more tickets than they have room for to ensure all seats are taken - bastards :-P ). Simon's car was outside so I touched it and bring it up every time it's shown on BGT or X Factor (it's probably a different car by now but meh).
  2. I'm a rubbish swimmer. Even my 9 year old is better than me and on Sunday, she kindly offered to help me practice swimming on my back.
  3. My first job was working in a filthy cafe in my town's indoor market. It still makes me itch thinking about it.
  4. I've never seen the Mary Poppins film all the way through but have seen the stage show on Broadway.
  5. I don't like Pringles.
I would like to pass on the Sunshine Award to:

Talli Roland - a blog full of fun and writery things. Talli is friendly, both on blogs and twitter

Rebecca Leith - another aspiring writer, who is also lovely on twitter too

Debs Carr - aspiring writer and book reviewer whose shed I am extremely jealous of

The Romaniacs - a group of writers who share their love of writing and cake

Teresa Morgan - another aspiring writer sharing journey to publication


  1. Thanks for the award! Can't wait to update my blog with this and get my thinking cap on who to nominate myself.

    T x

  2. Oh, thank you so much! I'm honoured.

    1. You're welcome :-)

      I think the sunshine award has took the actual sun away though... Sorry about that.

  3. I'm glad you're pleased with your award - I love your blog, you definitely deserve it!

    I love your five facts especially the Simon Cowell one - how exciting! I was outside a football stadium years ago and Alan Shearer touched my shoulder and said 'excuse me pet', the coat I was wearing never ever got used or washed again lol

    1. Aww, thanks :-D

      I've hardly met anyone famous (apart from Simon Cowell's car, of course). Although I did once spot - prepare yourself now - Claire Peacock from Coronation Street doing her Christmas shopping in Manchester's Boots.

  4. Wow, thank you so much. I feel honoured. Will have to think who to pass it on to and what five things about me I can share!

    1. You're welcome :-) I look forward to reading your five facts!


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