Friday 11 July 2014

My Summer Reads 2014 by Heidi-Jo Swain

Today I'm pleased to welcome Heidi-Jo Swain onto the blog to take part in 'My Summer Reads'.

Hello everyone! My name is Heidi-Jo Swain, welcome to my Summer Reads post for 2014! Six sunny weeks of uninterrupted reading and writing time are drawing tantalisingly close and I can’t deny that for me the luxury of living The Writing Life for a month and a half is anything less than the ultimate job perk!

This year my Summer Reads are stacked up on my fit to burst Kindle carousel and amongst the dozens of as yet undiscovered treasures there are two in particular that I can’t wait to immerse myself in and an old favourite that I return to every September without fail.

First up this year is The Longest Holiday by Paige Toon. This highly praised novel has been sitting on my carousel since April when I downloaded it courtesy of one of many Galaxy Ripple bars I was consuming to help with the trauma of moving house. Unfortunately the expense of moving has denied me a holiday this year, but the thought of jetting off to Florida’s Key West and being knocked sideways by sexy Cuban scuba diver Leo is, I think, going to make up for it! 

Next up is A Summer To Remember by Victoria Connelly. I’ve long been a fan of Victoria; we live in the same part of the world and share a passion for chickens and Miss Read, and who hasn’t wondered what would happen if you stepped off the treadmill and went in search of an entirely different life? I’ve been reliably informed that the novel is packed with sunshine, blissful English countryside and a couple of rogues, who could ask for more? Lisa Jewell describes the novel as ‘sunshine on a rainy day’. Sounds like the perfect British Summer Read to me!
And finally I return to my old favourite Village School by Miss Read. Flip the calendar over to September and out comes the tatty but much loved paperback in readiness for the return to work and welcoming a brand new class. The halcyon days may be fading, but Miss Read reminds me why I love my job and sets me on the path ready to countdown to next July when I get to do it all again!

I hope you’ve enjoyed finding out about my Summer Reads for 2014. If you would like to know more about me and my writing please use the links to Twitter, Facebook, my blog or Wattpad where a warm welcome awaits you. Many thanks to the lovely Jennifer Joyce for offering me the opportunity to share this post with you. I can’t wait to see who shares their Summer Reads next!

Happy Reading everyone!




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If you'd like to take part in the My Summer Reads feauture, please give me a shout! You can email me at or click here for more details


  1. A lovely post and I love your reading choices - none of which I have read but all have now been added to my TBR list!

    1. Oh thank you! I'm thrilled you enjoyed the post. It was great fun to write and now I'm looking forward to the holidays and some relatively peaceful hours of reading! Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. Have a great summer! H-J x


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