Wednesday 5 December 2012

Insecure Writer's Support Group - December

The idea of the InsecureWriters Support Group is for writers to blog on the first Wednesday of the month about their fears, struggles and triumphs they have experienced with their writing.
December? December? I can't believe it's December already. Mind you, it would explain why all the hours seem to have been sucked out of the days. How do people manage to keep up with their blog lists because I can't seem to at the moment. It's a struggle squeezing in writing time and reviewing books as well as everyday life (though I don't mind neglecting the housework) and now I'm trying to write a Christmas short story too.
So does anyone have any tips on how to keep up with the blogging world without sacrificing my writing?


  1. It's not an easy task, especially as your following grows. I designate days to visit blogs and I pre-schedule blog posts for at least 1 to 2 months at a time. Putting my blog virtually on autopilot gives me weeks-long stretches to focus on writing.

    Of course, I still preview the posts the day before they go live (a last proofread) and I make return blog visits as needed.

    IWSG #145 until Alex culls the list again. :)

    1. Hi Melissa. I try to schedule posts where possible but I'm nowhere near as organised as you! A week ahead is organised for me (must try harder).

  2. Hey Mama J,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Here's what I replied to you:

    Mama J, thank you for reminding me to be grateful that I am published. And if I can do it, you can too! I went with a small publisher and didn't have to spend years querying the big publishers. But I had no idea this could happen until I finished a few manuscripts and took a risk of making myself vulnerable by putting my work out there. Do you have a completed manuscript? I know it takes FOREVER (see my impatience comment above) but that's such an important step, obviously.

    I really struggle finding time to write AND blog so I don't have much advice for you. I have a busy job during the week too, so I set aside weekend time to write but I'm also trying to squeeze in grocery shopping, laundry, socializing, DVR catch up, etc.! And if I travel on the weekends, writing doesn't happen.

    1. Hi Jennifer. I have two finished manuscripts at the moment and working on my third. I'm lucky that I'm a stay at home mum, with my youngest at nursery during the mornings, so I set aside that time for writing. It's squeezing in everything else that's the problem!

  3. Hi Mama J,

    Do you use Google Reader for your blog subscriptions? If not, that could help you keep up with people posting new entries.

    Best of luck with managing your time...especially in's tough, I know :)

    1. Hi Mark. I don't use Google Reader, just the blogger list, which at least lists the blogs in order of most recent post which helps. I'll look into Google Reader. Thanks :-)

  4. I agree with previous posts, Goggle Reader helps but finding time to keep on top of everything gets more and more crazy! Don't know how Alex and others like him get around so many blogs!

    If anyone has the answer please let me know :)

    1. Hi Suzanne. I don't know how they do it either!


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