Monday 8 April 2013

A-Z Of Writing - G

I like to set myself goals. It gives me a bit of a drive, to keep myself from slumping in front of the telly instead of writing. I also set myself goals when I'm floundering.

I used to struggle to finish a book. I'd start off with gusto, thinking I had the BEST idea. A few chapters in and I'd start to wane. I'd keep going but it would become more and more of a slog until I gave up completely. So many of my books have ended this way.

But then a couple of years ago I started to set myself 'baby steps'. A whole book was daunting so I'd break it down. I'd have three goals: Write Chapter One, Write Three Chapters, Write Five chapters. I'd cross off each goal until all three were completed and then I'd set myself three more goals: Write 6,000 words, Write 8,000 words, Write 10,000 words.

They were only tiny goals to aim for but it did the trick and kept me on track. The goals would get slightly bigger as the novel went on until the last goal: Finish the book.

I haven't had to use the 'baby steps' for a while now but I do still set myself goals: finish the first draft by Christmas or finish the final read-through before half term.

Do you set yourself goals?

This post is part of the A-Z Challenge. Click here to see all the other participants


  1. That's a great idea! I need to try this x

    1. It really did help. Writing a whole book is a bit daunting so I liked breaking it down.

  2. Goals are good! I do my best writing (or completing my writing) when I have a challenge at hand with a solid goal. A short story in a day, write 1667 words a day or even just 500, finish a novel in a month, etc. Otherwise, it's far to easy to get distracted or disheartened.

    1. I'm too easily distracted. Goals help to keep me on track.

  3. I try to set Goals, but they always get trounced upon. I need to try harder.

  4. Everything is more manageable when you break it down. Writing a book can seem impossibly unwieldy otherwise.

    1. The idea of writing a whole book seems impossible to begin with. And quite scary.

  5. I use the baby steps concept all the time. Right now I'm so overwhelmed by my WIP and so tangled up in the plot I have to keep reminding myself baby steps.

    I've also learned not every seemingly great idea turns into greatness.


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