Thursday 25 April 2013

A-Z of Writing - V

I've found Miranda Dickinson's vlogs a huge inspiration. I stumbled upon them quite late on but I went back to the beginning and soon caught up with them. I love being able to 'go behind the scenes' with a published writer as she writes her books and Miranda also answers questions sent into her.
You can find Miranda's vlogs here

This post is part of the A-Z Challenge. Click here to see all the other participants


  1. I've never yet done a vlog. I think I'd be really self-conscious! They're fun to watch, but do take more time up than just reading a post through.

    1. They are fun to watch. Not sure I'd ever do one myself though.

  2. A great V post. I'm not good with vlogs myself but I've listened to several. Thanks for the new link.
    I'm a new follower.
    My Blog

  3. I'm so behind with checking out peoples posts so trying to get round lots more before its too late :)

    I've never listed to a vlog but I think I should, thanks for recommendation.

    The Tales of me

    1. There are so many blogs taking part and not long left of the challenge. Don't think I'll get round to everyone but doing my best!

  4. Vlogs are quite entertaining, well, the ones I've watched anyway. :)I haven't done one myself yet. It could be fun.

    1. I'll look out for yours if you ever decide to do one!


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