Friday 19 April 2013

A-Z of Writing - Q

Ok, I cheated a teeny tiny bit today. In the UK we don't generally send out queries but I'd already planned a post for S and Q is a hard letter to match up with a writery word (please don't now flood me with millions of Q words. It'll only make me look and feel beyond stupid).
And it's my blog so I'll cheat if I want to.
So Q is for Querying... and also Submitting.
I'm submitting my book at the moment. I've done this before and I'm sure I'll do it again. I was 20 the first time I submitted a book and I cringe when I think about it. It was shiiiiiiit. Really, really shit. I'm not surprised it was rejected (although at the time I obviously thought it was a work of brilliance). I am surprised the agencies didn't track me down and destroy my computer and every pen, pencil or crayon in the house to prevent me ever writing another word again.
Yes, it really was that bad.
I've submitted my books to agencies on and off during the past ten years and I hope my writing becomes slightly less shit with each one.
Go on then. Make me look stupid and give us a Q word for writing.
This post is part of the A-Z Challenge. Click here to see all the other participants


  1. I think that's all of our goals; to remove the shit factor as the years go on.

  2. I share your shame! My first submissions were pretty shoddy! Glad you didn't quit and kept at it though :)

    1. I think I kept at it because I didn't realise it was so terrible until a few years later!

  3. We all think our first novels are brilliant. You are certainly not alone. Thankfully reality sinks in at some point, or we hope it does, and we also realize the shit factor and then work to overcome it.

    I have several projects in submission right now too. Best of luck to you.

    Here's a Q word for you: Quit - as in: don't. :) Mine isn't all that creative either so don't feel too bad.

    1. Good luck with your submissions :-)

      I've just tried posting in your Queen post but it won't let me.

  4. I'm sure your writing is better than it was back then. I know mine is! Good luck with the process! :)

  5. Yeah, a lot of writers seem to make that mistake of submitting too soon (faaaar too soon in some cases) - but it's all part of the learning process! :)

    1. It was definitely faaaaaaaar too soon in my case!

  6. Good luck with your book...good news I cant think of a writey sort of Q word...unless its "Quick, stop me before I write again!"

  7. Well, you, at least are in good company! We all seem to have to "re-invent the wheel" to become the writers we dream of being.


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