Friday 17 October 2014

#AmWriting Nothing

Last month, I was writing lots but at the moment I'm in between projects. I've just finished planning Book 4, which is really early as I won't start writing it for quite a few months yet but I learned from Book 3 that I need a bit of breathing space between the planning stage and the first draft. With Book 3 I spent a whole month planning the book and then decided it wasn't going the way I wanted it to and had to start from scratch again. Luckily I hadn't started writing it yet otherwise I'd have been pretty miffed!
So Book 4 is planned (for now?) but I won't be telling you the title just yet - mostly because it doesn't have one. Not even a working title as I'm really struggling with naming it. I'm not going to panic just yet about that because, like I said, I won't be writing it for a while yet and there'll be several drafts so there'll be plenty of time to come up with one.
I'm having a little writing break now but in November I'll be starting the first draft of a Christmas novella that I'll hopefully be releasing next year. I'll tell you a bit more about it nearer the time!
Next month I'll be writing my festive short story. I'm writing a festive sequel to a previous short story and you can help decide which one by voting here by 31st October.

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