Tuesday 1 December 2020

Nanowrimo 2020 - The Results


Nano 2020

I can't believe it's been a month since Nano 2020 started. The month has flown by, but how did we all get one?

Nanowrimo 2020: Chapter One - Let's Go! #nanowrimo2020

I knew this year's Nano was going to be a different without the library meet ups for write-ins and to discuss any issues we were having and book talk. We were giving Zoom a go instead of physical meet-ups but nobody was sure if it would work. But it did!

We had 2-3 Zoom calls each week, including an all-day write-in, and these really helped to motivate me to keep going. Also, working from home, I don't see many people other than my husband and kids, and those I do see are mostly people wearing masks in the supermarket, so it was nice to see actual faces again.

50,000 words

We had our final Zoom meet-up last night, where we got a few more words down before the end of Nano. I'd already reached the goal of 50,000 words but had set myself a new goal of 60,000 as there was still enough time to achieve this and I didn't want to lose the momentum I had going. And, by the end of Nanowrimo2020 I'd written 69,029 words of Book 13! And yesterday, thanks to that final push during the Zoom wrap-up write-in, I achieved a new daily word count personal best of 4,957 words.

I'm so pleased and proud of myself for writing so much. I didn't think I had it in me, but I definitely wouldn't have pushed myself if it wasn't for my local Nano group and our Zoom chats.

Personal Best Daily Word Count: 4,957

So what happens now?

I'm going to try to finish the first draft of Book 13 by Christmas so I can have a little break and dive back into Draft Two in the New Year.

What about you? How did you get on with this year's Nano? Let us know in the comments below :)

Total Nano Word Count: 69,029

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