Monday 5 September 2011


Today I am a proud Mama J as I have been given my first ever blogging award by PT_Writer. I haven't prepared a speech but many thanks to you. You're a star.

  1. Show your appreciation to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
  2. Reveal your top five picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
  3. Post the award on your blog.
  4. Bask in the camaraderie of the most supportive people on the internet—other writers.
  5. And best of all—have bloggity fun and spread the love.
My top five are as follows:

Debs Carr - Another writer who gives fantastic book reviews and introduced me to the wonderful Dorothy Koomson

Sarah Duncan - A published writer who takes the time to give out brilliant advice for wannabe writers on her blog

PT_Writer - Not only does she have great taste in blogs by giving me an award (I assure you I am kidding), she has a great blog and I love following her on Twitter

Virginia Jewel - The first person to follow my blog and fellow member of ChickLitters. It's great having someone else to discuss writer type stuff with

Cally Taylor - Another published writer who provides inspiration and advice to us wannabes. Even when she has a maimed thumb

Can you feel the blogging love? I feel good now. Keep blogging and writing ladies x


  1. congrats to the winners! Nice to meet you! New follower here from KarenG's BBQ

  2. Hi, thanks for popping over. I've met loads of new people through Karen's BBQ It's a great idea.


Please feel free to leave a comment. I appreciate them all. Apart from spam, obviously.