Wednesday 5 June 2013

Guest Post: Shelley Hickman

Passing Judgement

Have you ever wondered what makes us so apt to judge others? I have. What is it, that, even if we mean no harm, we are so inclined to think that we know better than another? The whole, if I were you… idea we offer up so freely, often without invitation. It’s like we can’t help ourselves. It’s something I try very hard not to do, but I realize I’m guilty of it as much as the next guy.

But the fact of the matter is, like the old saying goes, unless we have walked in another’s shoes and have lived his life, we can never truly know the motives behind another’s actions. Maybe that person doesn’t even understand his motives, but I’m a firm believer that now and again, we just have to go through certain stuff, even if it doesn’t make much sense to those around us. Say what you want, but we grow and learn from our mistakes, and if we never take those missteps, sometimes valuable lessons are missed.

As a parent, one of the hardest things is to see your child headed for heartache, but at times the most powerful lessons are those that cause a fair amount of turmoil through firsthand experience. We can advise, warn the ones we love, but in the end, we are all imperfect, and being hurt and learning to forgive can be very meaningful. This idea is what inspired me to write Somewhere Between Black and White.

Somewhere Between Black and White is available from Amazon now


  1. Life would be so much easier if we were born with a "race" memory or could learn from others' experiences. Sadly, we never believe what others tell us and all have to make our own mistakes. ;)

    1. Lexa, you're so right. I'm having a difficult time with my daughter right now because she keeps going back to a friend who has treated her badly over and over. As a mom, it's tough! But I keep reminding myself that, hopefully one day she'll discover she's had enough. LOL.

  2. What a great title! The theme is definitely a worthy one. I'm less likely to judge people as spend time wondering why they act the way they do.

    1. Thank you, Annalisa! I struggled with the title of this one, but it was a theme I wanted to explore. :)


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