Friday 20 November 2020

Nanowrimo 2020 - Week 3: New PB & The Midpoint


Nanowrimo 2020

We're quickly heading towards the fourth and final week of Nanowrimo - are you ready for the last push?

Since my last Nano blog post, I've taken part in three Zoom get togethers with my local Nanowrimo group, which have really helped to propel me towards my 50,000 words goal.

On Saturday, we had an all-day write-in, from 10am to 4pm (though you could drop in and out as when you liked. Nobody was obligated to stay all day) and we had a mix of writing sessions, book chat and watching author talks together online. When we first started this year's Nano, we weren't sure how the write-ins would work over Zoom, but they've turned into really productive sessions and it doesn't feel a bit weird like I thought it would!

Rudolph mug in front of laptop

On Tuesday, we had another write-in where I managed to top up the words I'd already written during the day and I achieved a new daily word count Personal Best. I usually hit a bit of a brick wall when I reach 2,000 words (or sometimes even before) so having Nano as a motivator - and especially my writing group - has really pushed me and I managed to leap over the 40,000 words milestone during that session.

Fast-forward a few more days and I'm now at 48,422 words - less than 2,000 away from the 50k goal. In less than a month. I'm shocked and surprised and proud that I've managed to turn a blank page into so many words, and I'm looking forward to shouting it from the rooftops when I reach that 50,000 words very, very soon.

Personal Best Daily Word Count: 4,316

Before I started Nano, I spent a lot of time prepping, and one of my main focuses was getting The Midpoint of the book right. I've struggled with this in the past, even when I've plotted the book out, so I was determined to get it spot on this time. And I think I have!

I plotted out all my chapters and pinpointed the key scenes for the book, and I knew the midpoint should happen around Chapter 21. I was a few chapters out according to my chapter plan, but I wasn't too worried about this (my Midpoint events have ended up 75% into the book before, which takes a lot of editing!) but things started to shift a bit as I started to write. Scenes expanded and new bits got added (as always happens, no matter how much you plot) and guess what? The Midpoint ended up at Chapter 21. I literally couldn't have planned it better!

So I'm really pleased with how the book and Nano are going so far. Fingers crossed the rest goes as well!

How are you getting on with Nano? Let us know in the comments below :)

Current Word Count: 48,422

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