Wednesday 2 November 2011

30 Day Book Talk - Day 1 & 2

I saw this on Dizzy C's Little Book Blog and thought it sounded like fun. If anybody else is taking part, leave a comment so I can follow your 30 Day Book Talk.

Below is the schedule and then I'll catch up on Days 1 and 2. You can click on each day to be taken to there.

Day 01 – The best book you read last year  
Day 02 – A book that you’ve read more than 3 times  
Day 03 – Your favorite series
Day 04 – Favorite book of your favorite series

Day 05 – A book that makes you happy
Day 06 – A book that makes you sad
Day 07 – Most underrated book

Day 08 – Most overrated book
Day 09 – A book you thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving
Day 10 – Favorite classic book
Day 11 – A book you hated
Day 12 – A book you used to love but don’t anymore
Day 13 – Your favorite writer
Day 14 – Favorite book of your favorite writer

Day 15 – Favorite male character
Day 16 – Favorite female character
Day 17 – Favorite quote(s) from your favorite book(s)
Day 18 – A book that disappointed you
Day 19 – Favorite book turned into a movie
Day 20 – Favorite romance book
Day 21 – Favorite book from your childhood

Day 22 – Favorite book you own
Day 23 – A book you wanted to read for a long time but still haven’t
Day 24 – A book that you wish more people would’ve read
Day 25 – A character who you can relate to the most
Day 26 – A book that changed your opinion about something
Day 27 – The most surprising plot twist or ending
Day 28 – Favorite title(s)
Day 29 – A book everyone hated but you liked
Day 30 – Your favorite book of all time

Day 01

The best book you read last year  

The Brightest Star In The Sky by Marian Keyes

Day 02

A book that you’ve read more than 3 times  

Bookends by Jane Green. I've lost count of the number of times I've read it. It was one of the first 'grown up' books I bought when I was 17.


  1. Hi Mama J
    Thanks for your comment on my blog. Now following you.

    I do love your blog layout.

    It is a long time since I have read a Jane Green.


  2. I haven't kept up with Jane Green over the past few years but I do love her earlier books and reread them.


Please feel free to leave a comment. I appreciate them all. Apart from spam, obviously.